United States Playing Card Company Commemorative Set – Opening & Review!

A few days ago I posted in our Facebook group about a new haul I brought in: 8 sets of USPCC Commemorative Playing Cards to celebrate the factory moving from Ohio to Kentucky.

It was interesting to not be able to find much info on these at first and after some comments on the post, I decided “what the heck – let’s do a video”. That “what the heck” turned in to reality! Watch the video below:

I was most surprised about the “non-standard” faces while the box stated they were, the back design and the overall feel and handling of the cards. You’ll just have to watch the video to find out what I’m talking about 😉

While you’re here: I’ve been thinking of doing more of these videos for a while now but never had a good reason until this set popped up. As I couldn’t find reviews out there about these cards I decided to do them myself. However, I’m no expert in reviewing decks – I just butcher them in practice 😛

So, if you could and would, please click here to visit the video on YouTube and leave a comment with your thoughts on the video: is it good, bad, what did I forget, what did I do too much, please let me know.

Oh, and while you are there – leave a Like and/or Subscribe to the channel, it really helps the growth of CPC. Thanks!

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