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Reply To: CCC 2018 Round 1, Bracket 8/8: Shivraj Morzaria vs. Samuel Pratt

Forums Cardistry Videos CCC 2018 Round 1, Bracket 8/8: Shivraj Morzaria vs. Samuel Pratt Reply To: CCC 2018 Round 1, Bracket 8/8: Shivraj Morzaria vs. Samuel Pratt



Shivrajs round was jawdropping. Most ingenuity I´ve seen so far in this competition. Takinf a few things from cardestroy, taping stuff together and handling it masterfully. Also, cards out of colour. Im a big supporter of this style, different card colours can enhance the visual quality of a flourish immensely.
Samuels vid was also damn good, especialy the move at the end. But Shiv just took it.


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