- This topic has 9 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Acixcube.
July 3, 2018 at 2:44 pm #4197
AcixcubeParticipant@acixcubeThis is by no means a complete list. Everyone of these tutorials is free. If you get to a side that is not Youtube, dont be scared by the “Order now” button the price is always 0$. Just order it and you’ll get a link.
If you see the word (Threat) behind a flourish, it will link you to a discussion threat here on this board, with alternative videos and tipps (hopefully).
Pro tipp: Ctrl+F to find what you are looking for_________________________________________________________________________________________
One handed cuts
ALV by Luis Mecalco
Bonsai Cut by James Chesmore
Castiron by Matt Samuel
Charlier Cut
Charlier Triangle
Clustercuss by Lewis Caldwell
Fang by Teo Chun Chieh
Feldspar by Beckett Behel
Flip Flop by Nate Lex
Index Cut
Judo Flip by Franco Pascali
Kabuto by Yang Nguyen
Kettenmorgenstern by Beckett Behel
Kiwi by Carl Karlsson
Knuckle Cut
Kroma Cuts by Jano Slap
L-Cuts by Jerry Cestkovsky
Muse Cut by Henrick Forberg
Nhu Cut by Gaolock
OH Shuffle
Retrigger by Oliver Sogard
Reverlution by Duy (Threat)
Revolution Cut
Ro Cut by Jaspas
Sange by Daniel Lin
Scissor Cut
Shear Cut
Somethree by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Surfer by Daniel Lin
Thumb Cut
Whirly by Garret M
Whisk by Sebastian GohTwo Handed cuts
1080 Spin by Ardor
180 Lil by Sean O
190 Helix
3Pac Shakur by Chris Ramsey
50K by Chris Ramsey
Acrobatic by Ian Chandler
Adobo by Addison Reynoso
Air cut by wcklx
Air false cut by wcklx
Alcubierre by Beckett Behel
Alerion by Addison Reynoso
Alyt by Fareez Yusop
Ambush by Tse Hao Tan
Ampltude by Tse Hao Tan
Anchovies by Yannik Strozinsky
Angelo by Nate Lex
Aperature by Lunzi
Apex by James Davies
Aquila by Kaitlyn Chen
Armchair by Nate Lex
ATM by Oliver Sogard
Atrium by Nobutaka Oi
Aura by Conor O´Kane
Bap by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Basilisk by Jovan (Threat)
Belina by Edo Huang
Bliss by Seleznev Dmitry
Binary by Josue Martinez
Bivot by Broderick Rosete
Book Return by Nick Lex
Bop by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Bounce by Kevin Jim
Brenda by Jaspas
Brooklyn by Nate Lex
Bubblewrap by Beau Challis
Canvas by Nikolaj Pedersen
Casey Cut by Jay Frye
Chalice by Tse Hao Tan
Chan by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Chik Chik by Nicolasupertramp (Threat)
Chop by Sean O
Chromo by Matthew Davis
Class Act by Patrick Varnavas
Clockwork by Andre Lionel
Coast by Geraint Clark
Coldwave by d4i1
Collapsybil by Beckett Behel
opperhead by Vinney Margot
Corkscrew by Kevin Ho
Corner and Line by Epoch Cardists
Coulomb by Kevin Jin
Crate opener by Nate Lex
Crawl by Franco Pascali
Crest by John Stessel
Cubic by Dan Song
Delta Cut
Dideerka by Bailey Barker
Dime by Patrick Varnavas
Dizziness by Seleznev Dmitry
Dolcenoid by Zomb Tien
Domino by Nicolas Molines
Donut by Shivraj Mozaria
Double Revolution by Leon Tai
Dreem by Nikolay Orenchack
Dropout by Oliver Sogard
Duly by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Dunsmuir by Daniel Lin
Edith by Vinney Margot
Elektron by Jeremy Engel
Elle by Tan T.H.
Elite by Patrick Varnavas
Enterprise by Broderick Rosete
Eo by Fan Tong
Epidural by Chris Ramsey
Eqaliptus by Maciek Labuda
Esmeralda by Edo Huang
Espejismo by Chriss Samson
FCX (3 moves) by Jeremy Engel
Ferrero by Alix Becle
Ferris Wheel by John Stessel
Fiasco by Tse Hao Tan
Five Faces of Sybil
Fixture by Matthew Davis
Faux by Chris Ramsey
Flappy by David Beancurd
Flipity Dip
Florence by Shadi Assaf
Flowrence by Kevin Jin
Flux by Sean Mills
Francqueen by Addison Reynoso
Frequency by Tse Hao Tan
Fresco by Vinney Margot
Friction Cut by Jaspas
Funky Sybil
Funnel by Patrick Varnavas
Gacrux by Tim Ananiev
Gear by Daniel Hybrids
Gearbox by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Gleam by Rostislav Korst
Glitch by Влад Рохлов
Gondola by Beckett Behel
Hazel by Victor Oinezan
Heat Wave by d4i1
Heavy Lighter by Henrik Forberg
Helix by Casey Allen
Hinge by Jonathan Foo
Honeycomb by Chris Ramsey
Hot Wheels by Ladislas
Hourglass by Harry Zissou
Hubble by Chris Ramsey
Hudson by Medet Aitkaliev
Iguana by Salvador González
Illuminati by Desmond Demers
Indslanger by Eduart Adasko
Jungle by Jack Trathen
Juno by Sam Wheeler
Kaizen by Sebestian Della Cava
Kaleidoscope by Medet Aitkaliev
Kalushes Cut
Katana by Taylor Font
KFC by Kevin Ho
Kickflip by Dan and Dave
Kora Cuts by Nicolas Supertramp
Kyoto Sequence by Aj A
Lacoste 2 by Patrick Varnavas
Lava by Bryan I am
Leap of Faith by Bryan I am
Legolove by Nikolaj Pedersen
Leporidae by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Lever by Neil Vinzon
Lie by Daniel Hybrids
Limited by Matthew Davis
Lindholm by Chris Ramsey
Linky by Medet Aitkaliev
Lipschfitz by Bailey Barker
Looper by Ladislas Toubart
Lotharingia by Rostislav Korst
Lucid by Daniel Lin
Makitsu by Ladislas Toubart
Marlowe by Long
Mastri Addison Reynoso
Mazda by Sam Wheeler
Mercury by Jedrick Prudente
Meta by Antoine Cormerais
Mezzo by Vivek Singhi
Middle Out by Matthew Beaudouin
Milyx by Addison Reynoso
Mime by Andrei Kikh
Mirage by Alix Becle
Molecule Cut by Dan and Dave
Mononym by Brandon Clow
Moustrap by Sam Wheeler
My Grain by Sean O
Naya by Edo Huang
Nayoya by Sean O
Nebula cut
Nevada by Denis Julien
Nevernude by Zach Mueller
Nissan by Matt Fox
Nostrum by Seleznev Dmitry
Nox by Kevin Jin
One by Derek Ng
On the Clock by Hector Garcia
Otra Vez
Oun by Duy Nguyen
Oyliragis by Addison Reynoso
Ozmosis by Sean O
Paint by Andre Lionel
Pangolin by Nikolay Kolibarov
Peach by Frank Sung
Pearl by Evan Alberto
Penrose by Woojin Byeon
Petite by Henrik Forberg
Phaced by Tobias Levin
PHP by Addison Reynoso
Pick Pocket by Salvador (Threat)
Pilf by Gaolock
Pivotal by James Davies
Pivot cut
Plus by Birger Karlsson
Pullover by Eduard Adasko
Pulse by Seleznev Dmitry
Pumelle by Anthony Chanut
Pure Rhino by Maciek Labuda
Pyra by Matthew Davis
R2 by Rostislav Korst
Ragnarok by Kevin Ho
Ramen Cut by R.A. Mendoza
Rodster by Lunzi
Roly Poly
Rose by Matthew Davis
Roto by Richard John Edgell
Scissorhands by Matthew Davis
Seattleite by Zach Mueller
Segregatorium by Carlos
Serket by Katie Morris
Seventeen by wcklx
Shyamalan by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Sigma Toss by Matthew Beaudouin
Skipstone by Eduard Adasko
Slash by Vilmos (Threat)
Slopfy by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Smish by Frank Sung
Snowglobe by Conor O´Kane
Sonder by Ritian
Sonic by Ardor
Sonitus by Daniel Hybris
Speedo by Edo Huang
Spider Cut
Spinout by Bryan I am
Spin Sybil
Spino by Matthew Davis
Splash by Patrick Varnavas
Splinter by Ethan King
Spock by Alvin Herp
Spook by Beaudouin Matthew
Squish by Matthew Beaudouin
Squoze by Elliot Slevin
Staircase by Seleznev Dmitry
Starburst by James Davies
Subway by Kenneth Lee (Threat)
Sumatofon by Edo Huang
Sumkait by Rostislav Korst
Surfer by Sergio Roca
Swindel by XCM
Swindler by Jonathan Cagle
Swing Set by Nate Lex
Syb Faes by Labda
Sybil 947 by Kevin Ho
Tatum by Raihan Roslan
TBD by Kenneth Foo
Thoughtloop by Yang Nguyen
Three Tile by Jedrick Prudente
Tinydancer by Quan Tran
Tornado Cut
Touch Down by Winson Lee
Track by Eric Simmatis
Tranquil by Harry Zissou
Transfix by Oliver Sogard
Triangle Cut by XCM
Triploid by Tim Strobel
Tumble Cut by XCM
Tumblr 1.2 by Michael James
Tumblr 2 by Nate Lex
Turbo by Blake Smith (could be broken for some reason)
Turn Over by Criss Samson
Twister by XCM
Underilt by Jedrick Prudente
Undertop by Matthew Davis
UTS by Andrew Beneteau
Ventura by Patrick Varnavas
Vatten by Daniel Karlkvist
Vetinte by Daniel Karlkvist
Vorheese by Aj A
Vortex by Dan and Dave
Vota by Vinney Margot
Wallhack by Tse Hao Tan
Webstorm by Eduard Adasko
Whatever by Yang Nguyen
Whiplash by Matthew Beaudouin
Whirl by Daniel Lin
Whisky by Nicolas Supertramp
Windstruck by Yang Nguyen
Winche by Will Farrell
Windchill by Shin Lim
Woodlock by Matthew Davis
Xbox by Daniel Lin
XCH Project by Dominic Witt
Xerica by Kevin Jin
X Out by Patrick Varnavas
Xut by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Yuragi by Sam Wheeler
Zendô by Cedric Papy
ZoeyFans and spreads
Carnahan Fan by Dan and Dave
Crescent Rose by Teo Chun Chieh
Diskfan by Predator
Flipback Fan
Flower Fan by Jerry Cestkowski
Friffle by Oliver Sogard
Helix Fan by Daniel Lin
Side-Pressure Fan
LePaul Spread (Threat)
Pressure Fan
Reverse Fan
Reverse Under Pressure by Birger Karlsson
Riffle Fan by Dimitri Arleri
Smear Fan
Table Spread
There and back by wcklx
Thin Spring
Thumb fan
Under Pressure
Waterbend by Joe Feldpausch
Yin Yang Fan by TicalDisplays and Strucktures
Allign by Kevin Jin
Bermuda Triangle by George Robinson
Charlier-T by Jaspas
Cross Fade Variation by Jedrick Prudente
Easy Bridge
Easy Square
Fireblast by Leon Tai
Flutter by Jonas Haglund
Fold 2.0 by Sam Wheeler
Fugeki by Hoang
Gingerbreadman by Jedrick Prudente
Globetrotter by Daniel Lin
Hand Full by Jedrick Prudente
Locked & Loaded by Zepp
Namnlos by Birger Karlsson
Napper 3
Nudibranch by Gilbert Palacio
Orbit by Patrick Varnavas
Pinball by Harrison Mace
Pringull by Jedrick Prudente
Prism by Andrew Avila
Pulsar by Sergio Roca
Recasting Sequence by Ryoma
Rolling Thunder
Sci-fi by Franky Morales
Sigma Square by Beaudouin Matthew
Slider Concept by Ryoma
Snap Card Production
Spindash by Jaspas
Stage Remora by Ekaterina
Swag Production by Sean O
Thumb Cut Display by Jedrick Prudente
Top Pop by Kevin Ho
Tortuga 3 by Leon Sanchez
Tribular by Nikolay Kolibarov
Trist by Birger Karlsson
Virus by Noel Heath
Werm by Dan and Dave
Wings by Vivek Singhi
X-File by Andrew Beneteau
Xstand by Medet Aitkaliev
X Y N Z by Anna DeGuzmanAerials and drops
360 Aerial Sybil by Matthew Davis
Aerialistic by James Davies
Aerial Sybil/Dropzone ?
Anaconda by Bone Ho (Threat)
Armspread Transfer by Jaspas
Biddle Flip
Blackhawk by Martin.Cardist
Deck Flip by T.G. Murphy
Dive by Edo Huang
Erdnase Go Round
Escape by R.A. Mendoza
Falling Prince by Kurtis Lin
Flight by DM
Frozen Comet by Kurtis Lin
Giant Spring
Gravity Stack by Henri Laakson
Hang Ten by Peter Mckinnon
Hot Shot Cut
HucK This (5 moves) by Richard Hucko
Instant Replay by Paul Harris
Judo Shot by Weston Hamilton
Lance by Daniel Lin
Long distance spinner
Packet Toss
Plinc by Sean Tan
S-Dribble by Shin Lim (Threat)
Slicing/Reverse Waterfall
Tipping Point (Threat)
Vertigo by Dan and Dave
WaterfallTwirls and flirts
5forty by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Angel by Bone Ho
Barrage (Three card Variation) by Jedrick Prudente
Barrage (Two card variation) by Jedrick Prudente
Bullet by Andrei Jikh
Butterfly Twirl by Jedrick Prudente
Card Twirl
Chaser by Dimitri Arleri
Cocoa by Patrick Varnavas
Cookie by Cedric Papy
Ferris by Dan and Dave
Fling by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Flop by Daniel Lin
Flucker by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Glide by Ethan King
Hot Shot Seperation by Dimitri
Komori by Zomb Tien
Kyber by Matthew Beaudouin
Padiddle by Jerry Cestkowski
Meer by iV
MSMK2 by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Pincho by Oliver Sogard
Pirouette by Jerry Cestkowsky
Pwirl by Duy (Threat)
Rakurai by iV
Skopper Opener by Zomb Tien
Spin Bullet by Duy (Threat)
Spring Set by John Cornelius
Swing Opener by Jaspas
Tasarine Spin by Zomb Tien
Throwback by Max Galarce
Tourniquet by LingNemesis
Two Card Twirl by Kenneth Aidan Foo
Velocity by Ben Huxley
Ventus by Tien Tran
Whoopsie Twirl by Zach Mueller
Wrench by Daniel Lin
ZMs Twirl by Zach MuellerIsolations
Dr.Strange by Kurtis Lin
Inso Iso by Joey Cardist
Magic Carpet by Jaspas
Name by Duy Nguyen
Nestlo by Jaspas
Palm Shift Iso by Jaspas
Palm Top Iso by Jaspas
Prestige Iso
Raihan Square by Raihan Roslan
Rotation Iso by Jaspas
Snap Iso by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Spock by Hector Garcias
Tetris by Shin LimInterlocks
Chimera by Daniel Lin
Hachikuji by Julian Stibler
Hutto by Nguyen Hoang Duy
Knot by Sam
Merline by Shivraj Mozaria
Rock the Boat by Billy Markowitz
Unterlock by Kenneth Aidan FooCount: 488
Please help me improve this list! Every link, creator name and piece of feedback is deeply appreciated!
Latest update:
-03.01.- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Acixcube.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Aron Prins.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Acixcube.
July 3, 2018 at 2:45 pm #4198
Aron PrinsKeymaster@aronprinsOMG! What an incredible list, thanks @acixcube 😀
Aron -
July 3, 2018 at 3:40 pm #4205
AcixcubeParticipant@acixcubeGlad to help <3
July 3, 2018 at 6:28 pm #4211
AnonymousInactiveWow, what a list! Thanks for taking the time doing this. IMO this dude deserves extra activity points for this post! This is epic. Can’t wait to see other posts you decide to make, as so far, both have been epic!
July 3, 2018 at 6:42 pm #4213
AcixcubeParticipant@acixcubeThank you so much!
July 3, 2018 at 6:49 pm #4215
Aron PrinsKeymaster@aronprinsHow come I didn’t think of that @taypig, what would I do without you?! 😉
@acixcube you heard what Taylor said: 25 extra points are added to your account.Thanks for contributing this incredible resource!
September 30, 2018 at 1:13 am #7855
Michael T S HaParticipant@yuipapa85Wow! I am no cardist but makes me want to start learning. Actually there are quite a few moves that is appealing for magicians too. You are a true ‘Collector’ of Tutorials. Thanks
October 3, 2018 at 10:57 am #7900
AcixcubeParticipant@acixcubeThank you for your kind words Micheal! <3
October 4, 2018 at 8:31 pm #7926
Ricardo FerroParticipant@ricardoferro2001WOW! Incredible! Thanks. And Congratulations!
October 7, 2018 at 1:37 pm #7964
AcixcubeParticipant@acixcubeThx Ricardo! Glad its useful for people.
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