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Other than USPCC

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    • #1627

      Daniel Mårtensson

      I am getting a bit bored by the feel of regular USPCC cards and wonder if you guys have any tips for other brands. I have already bought a LPCC deck to try so could you recommend any other brands than those two

    • #1639

      Aron Prins

      Hey  @danielmz,

      You heard it here first: EPCC is soon releasing a deck called the Royal Zen V2 – Black edition.

      Although not officially announced yet, we’re allowed to share this little bit of info, and a photo 🙂 It has a master finish and an incredible new soft-touch tuck box.

      If you’re bored with USPCC, this is definitely something you HAVE TO TRY when they are released!

      That said, enjoy @collectorplayingcards ‘s first exclusive from @expertpcc 🙂


    • #1653

      Daniel Mårtensson

      I’ve heard LPCC and EPCC feel the same cause they are printed in the same factory also will this deck be on kickstarter

    • #1654

      Aron Prins

      On a side note: myself and the ones who have handled these can confirm: this is something NEW from EPCC. Not like ANY other deck they’ve ever released before :O

    • #1655

      Aron Prins

      Hey @danielmz

      This deck will not be on Kickstarter but soon available. I think we’ll post on the forums once it’s released.

      Please read my PS above – This is NOTHING… I repeat: NOTHING like what EPCC has released before 😉


    • #1667


      Try Cartamundi Cards, the ones from Belgium, like the Copag 310 for example. Super soft cards, but kinda thick. Still very nice all around and different from USPCC

    • #1682


      It’s always nice to go back and acquire vintage decks of companies that have fallen victim to USPCC.  Buy a few decks from before they got bought you. There is a lot of variety in the finish and stock: Hoyle, Fournier, Arrco, Waddington.

      Other brands that I know about: Paitnik, Cartamundi, Gemaco, Copag, Liberty Playing Cards, Royal (Taiwan)


    • #1696

      Rachel Richardson

      Try the Taiwan Playing Card Company. I’ve only got the C9 (or is CP) Souls by BombMagic, but they feel similar to Copag’s b9 linen. Plus this deck is custom and fully marked!

    • #1708

      Jacob J. Feit

      Recently, I’ve been a big fan of Catamundi’s new B9 linen finish as well as their thick, yet remarkably soft stock. If you haven’t felt these yet I’d advise picking up a deck of “Sea Green Keepers” from Ellusionist- they run for only about $4.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Jacob J. Feit.
    • #1832

      Daniel Mårtensson

      @jacobfeit I already have a deck of 310s on the way bought them about 4 days ago so should be here any day now

    • #7678

      Ricardo Ferro

      I confirm what Jacob said: The Belgium Cartamundi has a superb finish. Try The Keeper deck.

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