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The dating code "N"

Forums Playing Cards Vintage Playing Cards The dating code "N"

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    • #605


      So does anyone have an idea as to when the “N” code was used between? It’s definitely not 1910 or 2011 hahaha but jokes aside, it looks like they late 80s/early 90s.

      Any suggestions and opinions?

    • #608

      Aron Prins

      Hey Daniel!

      Are these smooth bee decks? Mine are and have the same date code :O

      was able to inform me that the N prefix was introduced in 2011. The seal indicates 2009 ohio.

      The above comments are based on my decks which I’ve attached in this reply.

      What makes you say they are not 2011?

      Looking forward to other thoughts!


    • #614

      bobby hasbun

      That seal looks quite a bit older to me than ’09 – ’11. Is the flap short or long? Also, I believe both of those years would likely have had the ‘subsidiary of Jarden Corp.’ paragraph on the bottom of the box (still Ohio, but post-Jarden), though many times older boxes were recycled in which case the paragraph would be missing. I agree that they look 80’s / 90’s.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by bobby hasbun.
    • #619

      Aron Prins

      Hey guys,

      Thats the interesting part: everything screams 80’s/90’s. They are long flaps (mine are and I think Dan’s are too).

      Mine come from an old cheater/hustler Junior Henson (perhaps Hinson instead of Henson, still researching) and are smooth.


      • #622

        bobby hasbun

        Do you mean they’re smooth finish? That’s crazy… Does the box mention the finish at all?

    • #625


      Mine are long flaps and seems like smooth finish too, they do have a barcode at the bottom and the “Bee” Poker 92 is placed on the left side with the barcode on the right. I also have an ad card and 2 jokers as shown in the picture.

      *edit* The bottom of the box just says Cambric finish. Who knows what it is now hahahaha

    • #629

      Aron Prins

      @dandydan without revealing too much, where did you get them?

      These are old I think and I have about four bricks of them. All have a weird color on the court cards as well… As if the ink didn’t set right (I got that from a CPC member whom I won’t disclose just yet 🙂 ).

      These used to be used by cheaters mixed in with regular decks to “FEEL” what cards are which and many other applications…

      Weirdest part: @spiliod has them too. Same seal, same box, same N and same questions haha!


    • #643


      Hello hello,
      Ive got a few of these too, very odd deck.
      N1107 on my ace which is the same as Aron’s if im not mistaken. Long flap, smooth finish (however the box says cambric finish while the brick box i got them in had a smooth stick stuck onto it).
      The blue ink on the court cards and jokers has bled pinkish like Aron mentioned.

      One difference i see though is the tuck box, Aron and i have the same tuck box, while Daniel you have a different one. It can be seen on the border surrounding the back design (back of the box), Daniel you have clear lines with some design flourishes mid way through while mine matches Aron’s best which is solid blue, double bordered on either side with dots running through it. So from what i gather, Arons and mine are same batch (both N1107) however you have N1101 so most likely different batch but same time +/-..? Beyond that and the information already mentioned here, couldnt elaborate any more.
      They did have a peculiar smell right out of the box, like naphthalene… Odd

      • #645

        Aron Prins

        Wow good catch @spiliod! Those flourishes I don’t have either indeed.

        @dandydan the second photo box looks diffrent from you initial photo? One seal seems soaked and the other solid white?

        My code(s) are indeed also N1107 so you have a diffrent batch it seems.


    • #699


      @aronprins they are the same box! Maybe just lighting, nice juicy info! 😀

      Where I got them, I got them second hand for $1.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Aron Prins.
    • #712

      Aron Prins

      @dandydan pshhh $1!!! What a deal 🤤

      • #716


        hahaha I only have 3 opened/used! found a set and single red on 2 separate occasions!

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