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Where to buy cards in Europe

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    • #1891

      Daniel Mårtensson

      I don’t think this topic belongs here but I think this is where it fits the best and I wonder where the Europeans here buy their cards

    • #1904

      Aron Prins

      I personally buy them overseas in bulk if possible, though that depends on the deck.

      eBay is a good place to find bulk high quality decks, shipping is killing but that will never change, so I personally just suck it up and buy 😛


    • #1911

      Daniel Mårtensson

      Do you mean like in bricks when you talk bulk or do you mean even bigger amounts @aronprins

    • #1914

      Aron Prins

      Hey @danielmz,

      I primarily buy bricks but if possible, and I like the deck, I buy them by the gross.

      With printers changing their stocks, finishes etc so often these days, if you find a deck you like you simply need to stock up (in my opinion).

      Hope this helps 🙂


    • #1916

      Daniel Mårtensson

      Hey @aronprins

      I would do that but where i live here in Sweden the current government made a nasty tax on everything bought outside europe even if its for personal use. The tax is 30%+8$ so i have found this ebay store in Lithuania with free shipping that sells most decks. Just wondered if there was a better alternativ to ebay in the European union. I bought from JPgames before but brexit hit hard.

      I would buy in bulk but i dont have the money.

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